Díly knihovny


Snímek obrazovky 2023 09 08 v 20.02.46
základní deska knihovny #1881
In production - delivery in 6 weeks
Code: 1881/BILA
Snímek obrazovky 2023 09 08 v 20.02.46
Vrchní deska knihovny #1883
In production - delivery in 6 weeks
Code: 1883/BILA
spojka siroka
Knihovna Fleysen - široká spojka
In production - delivery in 6 weeks
Code: 1885/9016M
Snímek obrazovky 2023 09 08 v 20.02.46
Knihona Fleysen - deska DUB
In production - delivery in 6 weeks
Code: 1882/BILA
spojka uzka
Knihona Fleysen - úzká spojka
In production - delivery in 6 weeks
Code: 1884/7047M
Czech Furniture Manufacturer
Czech Furniture Manufacturer
Quality furniture direct from the manufacturer.
Spare parts availability
Spare parts availability
We help fix, not throw out.
We produce metal furniture
We produce metal furniture
Recycling is in the genes of every one of our produc
10 years warranty
10 years warranty
We have complete confidence in our products.